Pilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the Earth

Pilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the Earth

Pilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the Earth
Back Side of the Earth: Pilot Brothers 3 Berdichev, Spring 1958. Sensible Brother Chief and his not-so-bright assistant, Brother Colleague saw a report in papers that in Tasmania number of rare animals was greatly reduced. They decided to go there
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Pilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the Earth Pilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the EarthPilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the EarthPilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the EarthPilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the EarthPilot Brothers 3: Back Side of the Earth

Back Side of the Earth: Pilot Brothers 3

Berdichev, Spring 1958. Sensible Brother Chief and his not-so-bright assistant, Brother Colleague saw a report in papers that in Tasmania number of rare animals was greatly reduced. They decided to go there and do investigation. The main suspect is Carbofos! Help Chief and Colleague to save poor elephants!

14 Increasingly difficult levels to solve
2 Different characters: Brother Chief and Brother Colleague
Fast-paced, arcade mini-games and loads of absurdly witty mini-games!
Join the famed duo in their search for the missed animals!

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Procesor 1 GHz
Sistem de operare Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1
Grafică 800x600 minimum resolution, OpenGL support
Sunet Not required
HDD 200 MB
DirectX -
Procesor -
Sistem de operare -
Grafică -
Sunet -
DirectX -
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Lansat pe DLH
Jan. 22, 2015
Lansare inițială
Jan. 22, 2015
1C Wireless
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